Odd Movie Posters

Affleck is the New Bat…


This cartoon popped into my head when I heard the announcement about the next Batman and we were talking about it on twitter. I could not resist it. One can only hope that Kate Mulgrew will play the Joker in the franchise reboot. I wondered what the effect of watching Orange is the New Black a couple times would be…

I personally hope for a return to the batusi…

I should mention, my husband was on the Batman toy design team at Kenner/Hasbro in the 1990s during the Clooney era. Now THAT was a movie that could have worked with the Watusi. Batman and Robin was quite the confection…

James Bond and the Prisoner of Skyfall

We saw Skyfall yesterday with some friends and on the way home, Troy wondered how the MI6 will be now that Voldemort is in charge. So, this is my response… It had to be done really. I present the next Bond sequel!

7 is a big number in the Harry Potter universe and so much of the other imagery (flying cars, stags, Scotland) begged to go together like a puzzle.

While working on this spoof, I looked at a lot of old James Bond posters and was amazed by the amazing illustration on some of them. I am not sure why they only use photos now. Is it that illustration has gone way out of style for this type of marketing?

This one in particular is stunning…

Here are more… Enjoy!

Star Wars 2015 in the Disney Universe

This is my reaction to the Disney purchase of Lucasfilms… I would so go to see this movie.

It is funny because I loved these old Disney movies. I even read the Escape from Witch Mountain novelization. I am not sure many remember The Cat from Outer Space, but I liked that so much at the time that I made a beaded collar for my cat Piewacket (I named her after the cat in my other favorite movie at the time, but spelled it wrong-no internet back then or DVDs) so she looked like the cat in the movie. She did not appreciate my efforts and had it torn up in a day (she was notorious for her rather irascible personality, being named after a witch’s cat was appropriate).

There are a lot of weird parallels between the Witch Mountain movies and Star Wars. They even have Christopher Lee in common…

I have done a lot of Star Wars art in the past for West End Games back in the 90s, too bad they did not have a Return from Witch Mountain module…
By the way, if you think the Bette Davis thing is a stretch, they are currently recreating dead actors digitally so who knows who will appear in these movies…
UPDATE: I saw these today on Design Taxi from the Conan show: http://designtaxi.com/news/354211/Disney-Star-Wars-Episode-7-Movie-Posters-Leaked/